CC Achieves Goal Of Becoming Carbon Neutral

CC first in the Rocky Mountain region to achieve this milestone

Colorado College has achieved carbon neutrality, 这是它在2009年设定的目标,当时它承诺到2020年实现碳中和. After a decade of work, 这个雄心勃勃的目标已经实现了——即使在此期间,学院的建筑面积增加了10%以上. CC is only the eighth institution in North America, and the first in the Rocky Mountain region, to achieve this goal.

This achievement is a shared effort; the result of the hard work, commitment, and resourcefulness of the entire Colorado College community. 我们感谢所有帮助实现这一目标的人:前总统迪克·塞莱斯特, 董事会投票支持他签署《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》, the students and young alumni who have worked on these initiatives, and CC's faculty and staff, particularly those on the Sustainability Council, whose work and leadership has been invaluable.


- Jill Tiefenthaler, President of Colorado College

赌博正规的十大网站在其他以重要方式达到碳中和的学校中脱颖而出. CC, a nationally selective liberal arts school at the base of Pikes Peak, 该校的校园减排量最大,而购买的碳抵消额却比美国其他任何学校都少.S. campus.

“这意味着我们首先完成了减少校园排放的艰巨工作, 而不是像一些人认为的那样,通过抵消来“花钱”实现中立," says CC Director of Sustainability Ian Johnson. Colorado College has done this in a replicable and scalable way, 这意味着几乎任何其他机构都可以采用CC使用的策略来实现其碳中和的目标.

另一个重要因素是,赌博正规的十大网站是唯一一所位于高碳强度电网中的碳中和机构,该市有两座燃煤电厂在运行. This is noteworthy, says CC Director of Sustainability Ian Johnson, 因为“我们地区的电力使用产生的碳排放量比大多数其他地区都多, 由于我们的用电量比其他机构更快地推动了排放,因此大幅减少我们的碳足迹变得更加困难. 这也意味着我们的可再生能源生产和使用对全球排放的影响比其他地区更大."

赌博正规的十大网站于2009年开始了碳中和之旅,当时的校长理查德. 塞莱斯特签署了美国学院和大学校长气候承诺(acucc)。, now known as the Second Nature Carbon Commitment. Celeste chose not to sign in 2007, preferring first to have more information in hand, 包括学院的碳足迹和为达到碳中和所做的努力, including reducing the college's emissions of greenhouse gases, cutting energy use, 更多地使用可再生能源,强调可持续能源的重要性.

自2008年学院的基准年以来,CC已经减少了75%的校园排放. Colorado College achieved neutrality through a variety of initiatives, including efficiency upgrades, building renovations, campus engagement, on-site renewable energy and local renewable energy purchases, 尽管2017年与科罗拉多斯普林斯美术中心(Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center)的合作使其实体足迹扩大了10%,但仍在减少碳足迹. Between the Fine Arts Center and the Bemis School of Art, CC added more than 142,000 square feet to its building footprint.

因为气候变化与许多不同的因素有关并受其影响——从环境种族主义到人类健康和收入不平等, clean water, food production and access, 更重要的是,实现碳中和的影响远远超过了学院的运作, says Johnson. Many of the initiatives the college is undertaking, 包括增加更多的可持续发展课程,寻找新的方法让来自不同地理位置的学生更容易进入学院, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, 提高学生的素养和对各专业的理解,加强建立适应气候变化影响所需的弹性社会的机构.

Some of the college's major initiatives have included:

  • A behavioral change program involving 14 weeks, 14 habits and 14% reduction in electricity, heat and water use. CC通过“aCClimate14”项目节省了近10万美元的公用事业成本."
  • 赌博正规的十大网站的第一个高性能能源设计指南是为新建和翻新的建筑编写的.
  • Tutt图书馆经过大规模地下地热能项目和重大改造,成为全国最大的学术零能耗图书馆.
  • 东校区住宅以可持续建筑和能源系统开放
  • Numerous solar PV installations were constructed on and off campus, originally initiated by a student in 2008.
  • 在过去的十年中,CC一直与科罗拉多斯普林斯公用事业公司合作,寻找合作伙伴并实现其目标的方法. 这有助于该公司在现有和计划中的项目中增加255兆瓦的太阳能.

To account for remaining emissions, 其中包括与大学有关的航空旅行等难以避免的排放, study abroad, commuting and wastewater, 赌博正规的十大网站正在投资碳抵消项目——在其他地方减少或消除温室气体排放的创新项目. Specifically, CC在科罗拉多州北部的拉里默国家垃圾填埋场投资了一个甲烷销毁项目. This project prevents methane (CH4), a very potent greenhouse gas, from entering the atmosphere, 而是利用甲烷直接为拉里默县社区发电.

The Larimer Country landfill project has co-benefits that go beyond reducing emissions; it has opened doors for future carbon related markets, 通过向电网增加可再生能源,减少了前方地区的空气污染,并支持拉里默国家的当地社区. By looking at off-campus solutions for a portion of the emissions, 赌博正规的十大网站是创建和发展未来碳市场和项目的早期采用者, with the added bonus of meeting its aggressive 2020 goal.

虽然CC已经达到了碳中和的目标,但这并不意味着工作已经结束. 赌博正规的十大网站也在寻找不只是购买碳补偿的选择, 而是投资开发对社会和环境更负责任的新项目, thereby benefiting our core academic mission, developing markets as part of the solution to climate change, 并为我们的社区和地区提供积极的社会效益.


Report an issue - Last updated: 05/09/2022